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CIVITAS European Network

Mobility and transports


The CIVITAS initiative is one of the flagship programmes supporting the European Commission in achieving its sustainable mobility and transport goals.
It is a network of cities, for cities, that encourages collective knowledge through peer exchange, networking and training, to stimulate political commitment and make sustainable and intelligent mobility a reality for everyone.

// CIVITAS community

_ CIVITAS cities: more than 340 local authorities are CIVITAS members and signatories of the CIVITAS City Declaration, having committed to introducing ambitious sustainable urban mobility policies, contributing to the CIVITAS network, and sharing experiences with CIVITAS colleagues;
_ European Commission: the Initiative is co-funded by the European Union and falls under the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE). The implementation of the project is overseen by the European Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA);
_ Policy Advisory Committee (PAC): the PAC is a group of locally elected officials that acts as an advisory board for CIVITAS and its cities. It meets with DG MOVE, which presents a local perspective on EU mobility policy;
_ CIVITAS National Networks (CIVINETs): CIVINETs act as CIVITAS ambassadors on a local level.

By signing the CIVITAS City Declaration, cities that become members of CIVITAS, which is free of charge, commit to introducing an ambitious sustainable urban mobility policy, contributing to the achievement of the CIVITAS Initiative's goals and engaging with other members of the CIVITAS community by sharing experiences.​​

  • Cities and towns
  • European Commission
  • Europe
  • Mobility and transports
  • Boas práticas
  • Networks
  • European Union
  • 2022
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  • social network icon image
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