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European Green Deal



​​​​​The European Green Deal is a new growth strategy that aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society with a modern, competitive, and resource-efficient economy. Presented by the European Commission in December 2019, this strategy aims to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, as well as safeguard, conserve, and enhance the EU's natural capital and protect citizens' health and well-being against environment-related risks and impacts.

The European Commission will present the first Climate Law which is combined with the:
_ biodiversity strategy (for 2030)
_ new industrial strategy
_ new action plan for the circular economy
_ "farm to fork" production strategy that promotes a sustainable food supply
_ sectoral and specific proposals for a pollution-free Europe.

In this context, the European Commission will launch a Climate Pact, which is to be drafted on the basis of public consultations and local initiatives. The aim is to give citizens a voice and a role in designing new actions, sharing information, disseminating small-scale activities, and presenting replicable solutions. As such, in order to ensure the implementation of the actions identified in the European Green Deal, it is necessary to ensure that investment support is reinforced for the goals set out in the strategy. In this context and in order to achieve the climate and energy goals established for 2030, the Commission estimates that an additional annual investment of 260 billion euros will be needed, representing around 1.5% of EU/GDP in 2018 - an investment that will require the mobilisation of resources from both the public and private sectors.

Within the framework of this strategy, several initiatives have been proposed by the Commission that could have a direct or indirect impact on tourism in the short/medium term:
_ Proposed Climate Law, which establishes the target of carbon neutrality in the EU by 2050
_ Review of existing environmental legislation: Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), Land and Forest Use; Energy Efficiency Directive; Energy Taxation Directive (VAT on electricity)
_ New EU strategy for climate change mitigation, especially for coastal regions (particularly relevant for coastal tourism activities, especially in view of the potential reduction in the attractiveness of these regions)
_ New smart planning strategy, including land-use planning
_ Initiative to restore public buildings (schools of hospitality, airports, tourism support infrastructures) and private buildings (tourist developments and related infrastructures)
_ New Action Plan for the Circular Economy
_ EU "farm to fork" strategy, to be complemented by national strategies in this field
_ Biodiversity strategy for 2030, to which sustainable tourism could make a strategic contribution
_ New EU Zero Pollution Action Plan, which will include the proposed "zero pollution for air, water, and soil" action plan
_ ​Improving companies’ statistical production and auditing processes, avoiding "greenwashing" (the unjustified appropriation of environmental virtues by organisations - companies, governments - or individuals, through the use of marketing techniques).

  • Environment
  • European Commission
  • Sustainability
  • Energy
  • Tourism
  • Companies
  • Strategy
  • Planning
  • Circular economy
  • Low carbon economy
  • Climate change
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