Turismo de Portugal makes available a new version of the National Tourism Register, now with simplified access to the "Reserved Area".
The "Reserved Area" is aimed at registered users with their own credentials, or those wishing to register for the first time, and has a structure that is intended to be more functional and intuitive, through which access is given to the registration form for all companies wishing to start up a tourist activity, regardless of their area of activity, making it possible to consult all their registrations as well as to make any communication or indispensable alteration.
The National Tourism Register, now available at
rnt.turismodeportugal.pt, is the centralised platform for all information on tourist developments, tourist entertainment companies, travel and tourism agencies and local accommodation establishments. It is an indispensable tool allowing public knowledge of the entire national tourist supply.
The access is made using the credentials through the system "Public Finances Password" or "Gov.Pt Authentication".
Turismo de Portugal provides support through its Entrepreneur Support Service, available by phone 808 209 209 or .
To report or solve anomalies contact technical assistance on 211 140 200 or service-desk@turismodeportugal.pt.
Find all the information on
Turismo de Portugal's corporate activity on the
institutional portal.
Information for tourism companies available on the
business portal.