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Portugal Events Programme

Funding and investment


​​​​​​Portugal Events - Support Programme for the Organisation of Events of Interest to Tourism is a measure provided for in the Reactivate Tourism | Build the Future Plan. The aim is to contribute to the recovery of economic activity, resulting in positive effects for companies, employment and the national economy.

// Incentive scheme​ 

The programme includes the Portugal Events incentive scheme, which has a budget of 10 million euros and aims to support the organisation of events in 2023 and 2024.

Applicable to the whole of Portugal, this Turismo de Portugal incentive scheme targets events which, due to their positioning and visibility, contribution to the creation of territorial dynamics, diversification of the tourist experience and consequent dispersion in space and time, boost local economies (particularly in Low Density Territories) or promote the international projection of the country and its regions.

The overall budget will be divided equally between 2023 and 2024. The funds are intended to support events whose scale makes them a catalyst for attracting tourists and which simultaneously enhance the assets and resources of Portugal and its regions. In this respect, inland regions will benefit from a clear policy of positive discrimination.

Events associated with the development of strategic tourism products (Strategic Tourism Events) as well as associative or corporate events not consolidated in the calendar of events of the territories where they take place, such as Congresses, Seminars or Meetings, are eligible.

The maximum amount of financial support to be granted is 250,000 euros, in the case of Strategic Tourism Events, and 50,000 euros in all other cases. Events of either type that take place in Low Density Territories will be eligible to accrue an additional 25 per cent.

Applications are now open and must be submitted using the form available on the Sistema de Gestão de Projetos de Investimento (SGPI).

For events taking place in 2024, applications can be submitted from the 1st of September 2023 onwards.

  • Application
  • Event
  • Programme
  • Financing
  • Tourism
  • Portugal
  • Turismo de Portugal
  • Meeting
  • Congress
  • Low-density territories
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • Funding and investment
  • Incentives
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